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Closed vacancies


CAPTURE zet volop in op de ontwikkeling van modulair online leermateriaal en allerlei vormen van blended learning. Het gebruik van kwalitatief videomateriaal zoals kennisclips, presentaties en animaties is daarbij erg belangrijk. Om de continuïteit van onze werking te garanderen, zijn we op zoek naar een bijkomende jobstudent voor het versterken van de Videostudio die een engagement op de middellange termijn wil aangaan.


The VUB is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to investigate advanced adsorptive separation techniques experimentally and theoretically. 
The position is in the Chemical Engineering department of VUB, working within the Adsorption group. The candidate will conduct research on the adsorptive separation of organic acids.
 For more information, please contact Prof. Keikhosro Karimi (


CAPTURE and the ProteInn Club are looking for a full-time (100%) platform coordinator that can help both organizations to develop the necessary skills and content across the entire circular economy with a focus on microbial protein and water reuse.


De Universiteit Gent zoekt een ondernemende en dynamische medewerker om de vermarkting van innovatiegericht onderzoek voor de biomedische, chemische en farmaceutische industrie te faciliteren.

Voor haar samenwerking met de industrie maakt de UGent gebruik van een netwerk van gespecialiseerde valorisatiecentra, gefinancierd door het Industrieel Onderzoeksfonds (IOF), en ondersteund door een centrale dienst voor technologietransfer. De UGent zet op deze wijze in op het stimuleren van de commercialisatie van innovatieve kennis en technologie.

De valorisatiecentra brengen complementaire onderzoeksgroepen bijeen naargelang toepassingsgebied of expertisedomein. Belangrijke activiteiten omvatten het opzetten van industriële samenwerkingen, het afsluiten van licenties en het creëren van spin-offs.


The Centre for Microbial Ecology and Technology (CMET) is looking for a highly motivated researcher with an interest and affinity for microbial physiology and bioelectrochemistry (master needed). This is a joint project between UGent and KULeuven, where they have created a high throughput, bioelectrochemical screening approach that accelerates microbial electrochemistry research significantly. During the project, this approach will be calibrated using diverse microorganisms derived from the human microbiome and develop the supporting platform to a level that it can be used by R&D teams globally while also studying hypotheses on the microbiome.  

All information can be found here in detail as well as the application link:


The Research Group of Sustainable Air, Energy and Water technology in the department of Bioscience Engineering (Faculty of Science) is looking for a full-time (100%) PhD student in the field of environmental systems analysis for the protein transition (LCA/MFA).


The adsorption team of the Department of Chemical Engineering (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) is looking for a PhD researcher (targeting a Baekeland project) to research the adsorptive removal of organic trace (ppm level) components in gaseous flow, together with a large world-wide company active in Belgium. The focus is on (I) using available adsorbents in a novel electric desorption concept to test and compare separation performance on labscale, (II) and prepare structured materials based on the available core materials and evaluate performance. To this purpose, you can make use of the available setups (electric desorption), synthesis knowhow and tools, and modelling expertise within both the university as company.


The adsorption team of the Department of Chemical Engineering (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) is looking for a PhD researcher (targeting a Baekeland project) to research drying of gaseous flows using pressure swing adsorption (PSA) techniques, together with a large world-wide company active in Belgium. The focus is on fabricating, characterizing and testing novel adsorbent structures in a PSA application, from lab to pilot scale. A significant portion of the work involves simulation and process modelling. To this purpose, you can make use of the available setups (including pilot), synthesis knowhow and tools, and modelling expertise and software within both the university as company.


This position fits within the broader context of the chemical recycling of plastics towards new building blocks, either in the form of intact polymers or converted building blocks with added value. The work comprises technology development, detailed analytical characterization and assessment of potential functionalities for application.

The following tasks/actions are foreseen in our project to be conducted by the candidate, focusing on the separation/fractionation/purification of polymer waste with a focus on selected thermoplasts, and oxygenates (polyesters, polycarbonates and polyethers), and this both via modelling and experimental work:

  • Active literature survey, keeping up to date with relevant articles and patents in the fields
  • Detailing out the work protocol after discussion with the experts involved
  • Execution of the work in laboratory
  • Data interpretation and plan for next possible steps: in discussion with experts
  • Execution of the experiments/tasks in a timely and efficient manner according to the overall project planning
  • Preparing presentations for the meetings/reports.
  • Scientific output and/or patent submission as a result of the work would be highly recommended
  • Ensure compliance with VITO’s Health & Safety Policy, and take a proactive approach to ensure all experimental work is safe

The adsorption team of the Department of Chemical Engineering (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) is looking for a PhD researcher to research the adsorptive separation of oxygen-rich gaseous streams emerging within a novel integrated carbon utilization process, this in the scope of a VLAIO funded project involving multiple partners. The focus is on fabricating and testing adsorbent structures for their oxygen separating performance: (I) formulating, shaping, characterizing adsorbents and (II) evaluating these for oxygen recovery (cyclic experiments, process modelling). To this purpose, you can make use of the available setups, synthesis knowhow and tools, and modelling expertise within the team.