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Research within CAPTURE is organized within three thematic pipelines:

Each pipeline is coordinated by a pipeline manager whose main tasks is to make connections. Internal connections between professors, researchers and students to ensure projects are collaborative and receive the best possible scientific and infrastructural input from colleagues within the partner institutes. Next to internal connections pipeline managers are instrumental in setting up, coordinating and facilitating connections with societal stakeholders. These stakeholders consist of industrial partners in the business platforms connected to the pipelines, other businesses and local & regional (non-)governmental organizations.

Pipelines are defined based on scientific excellence and societal gap analysis. This already indicates that the pipelines can be dynamic over time.

To ensure a certain focus within the bottom-up research, programs are defined within each pipeline wherein expertise, development goals and potential partners are defined. These programs serve to clearly define research interests and capabilities in order to leverage the most of all expertise present in the partner institutes.

The CAPTURE pipeline and program model is based on open, long term collaboration. This means the focus is on challenges that are not easily solved in short term or with a few partners. Therefore anyone interested in the model of open, excellent, collaborative research is welcome.

By means of this organization CAPTURE aims to develop an excellent research network surrounding unique experimental infrastructure that is available to the larger network.