Stijn Van Hulle is an Associate Professor at the Department of Green Chemistry and Technology of Ghent University and is spearheading a groups that focusses on industrial water technology. During the last 15 years, his group performed externally funded research on the modelling and engineering of water treatment processes. His lab is equipped with several laboratory-scale set-ups that are used for research and education. Specific research projects currently running include: physical-chemical treatment of industrial waste water (e.g. leachate), water filtration with functionalised nanofibre membranes, implementation of autotrophic nitrogen removal for high-N streams, disinfection, rain water re-use and tertiary water treatment with AOP processes (UV/H2O2/ozone/TiO2) and modelling of algal processes for water treatment. Prof. Van Hulle has participated in several (inter)nationally-funded projects such as the FP5 ICON project (EVK1-2000-00054) and the Interreg I-Qua project. On a national level, he has coordinated 5 Technology Transfer (Tetra) projects funded by the agency for Innovation by Science and Technology. He is also responsible for the local and accessible expertise and service center on water technology (link) which supports SME’s and non-profit organizations with advice and guidance concerning the production, treatment or management of their process and waste water. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Belgian IWA branch ( and was one of the initiators of the Flemish Water Knowledge Centre (