Dr. ir. Marleen Rombouts is a senior researcher in the Dr. ir. Marleen Rombouts is a senior researcher in the Ceramic and Metallic Powder Processing team, which is part of the business unti Sustainble Materials Management at the Flemish Institute of Technological Research (VITO) in Belgium. The team focuses on the processing and advanced (colloidal) shaping of inorganic powders into hierarchically porous structures by 3D printing, powder granulation and surface functionalization technologies. The products are applied in the area of sustainable chemistry, advanced energy technologies, biomaterials or advanced recycling. Applications include solid sorbents for gas cleaning (e.g. CO2 capture) and catalysts for CO2 conversion into added value chemicals or fuels. With a background in materials engineering, Marleen’s interests are to advance innovations and optimize novel process concepts in collaborative projects with industry and/or academia and to develop industrial showcases in the field of hierarchically porous structures for sorption and heterogeneous catalysis.