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On Friday 18 October from 11:30-14:00 we have our first 'CAPTURE café' on the theme 'Central-Decentral water treament'.



11:30 Walk-in with coffee & sandwiches

12:00 Opening the Café – Francis Meerburg (CAPTURE)

12:15 Pitches & Sandwiches

  • The decentral approach – Korneel Rabaey (UGent)
  • The central approach – Ine Schockaert (Aquafin)
  • The hybrid approach – Wouter Vandenbruwaene (VITO)

12:30 Overview of previous projects and initiatives – Veerle Depuydt (VITO-Vlakwa)

12:45 Roundtable workshops: putting needs into actions

  • Table 1: Legislators – moderated by Peter Aelterman (VMM)
  • Table 2: Academics – moderated by Hanson Appiah-Twum (UAntwerp)
  • Table 3: Utilities and companies – moderated by Dorien Mahieu (Pidpa)
  • Table 4: Intermediary organizations – moderated by Wendy Francken (Vlario)

13:50 Next steps and closing – Francis Meerburg (CAPTURE)

14:00 – 15:00 Informal open Café

(14:00 Optional tour of the building)

Note: this is an in-person event. A Teams link can be provided upon request for those who can only attend online, but it will not be possible to follow or participate in the roundtable discussions.

Desk space is available for people who wish to work remotely before or after the event. 


How to get there?

CAPTURE building: Frieda Saeysstraat 1, 9052 Ghent