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2050, you wake up in a sustainable society and ask yourself: how did we get here? One element that certainly played a role was: bridges were built. Bridges between organizations, disciplines, interest spheres, ideas,...  and also bridges towards sustainability.  

On August 30th, 2024, various organizations will join forces for a thematic day entitled “Bridges for a sustainable society”. CAPTURE, Itinera, ie-net, SDR Flanders, Bond Beter Leefmilieu, City of Ghent, and Province of East Flanders invite five experts who wake up in a sustainable society and reconstruct the path that led to a sustainable 2050. In a day full of reflection and discussion, several questions will be explored: What does a sustainable society look like? Who led the dance? What role did governments and businesses play? Did technology offer the solution? What was the cost of the transition? What are the opportunities/pitfalls? Which routes & plans were necessary? What milestones were achieved, ... ?

These are all questions to be answered and bridges to be built. The sustainability debate doesn't need demolishers, but builders. Would you like to join in listening, reflecting, discussing... would you like to help build? Then mark this day in your calendar and keep an eye on this page. 



The event 'Bridges for a sustainable society' is jointly organized by CAPTURE, Itinera, ie-net, SDR Flanders, Bond Beter Leefmilieu, City of Ghent, and Province of East Flanders.
